In the universe of Mythos Space, mankind has been settling known space for almost three hundred years, Grit and Vigor RPG for a backdrop. and with abducted Earth hominids, human-like aliens, and Quantum Time Distortion, some of the far flung colonies out there have been out there for quite a long time. These rules use the
Below are the basic rules I will be using in regards to planets in the Mythos Space campaign setting. I am using terms and concepts taken from Planet Adventure stories from the 1920's to the 1970's.
Planet Name: The worlds name. Usually decided by the settlers and/or their corporate backers.
Planet Type: Planets in Mythos Space and Pulp Age fall into broad classifications, as follows:
City Planet (Ecumenopolis): Urban sprawl has taken over the entire surface of a world. Often has a population in the trillions, though not always. Usually has a Garbage Planet in the same system or even in its lower levels. Terrain Types on such worlds include cliffs, hunger, thirst, vermin and wear and tear (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85). Life-forms on such worlds are usually only in the underworld/sewers.
Cloud Planet: These worlds are entirely made of gas, much like Jupiter or Saturn. If something or someone lives here, either it can float or fly, or there are hover-cities. Either way, watch that first step. Terrain Types on such worlds include cold, poison, falling and getting lost (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85). Life on such worlds must be capable of flight (and usually huge), like Sawsnarks.
Dark Planet: Like the Desert, but owe their lack of plant life to perpetual night; usually due to constant opaque cloud cover or spooky ominous fog. If inhabited, this might be the product of industrialization run amok, with the clouds being clouds of pollution. Terrain Types on such worlds include cold, thirst, poison, wear and tear and the dangers of getting lost in the dark (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85).
Death World: Not a biome in and of itself, but can be any of the aforementioned types. This is a world where Everything Is Trying to Kill You, but you still have compelling reasons to go there. Terrain Types on such worlds include all dangers (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85). These worlds can have any and every sort of monster.
Desert Planet: These look like the cheaper parts of California, and are thus very common. If it can sustain life, a desert planet will have aliens that act like Bedouin or Touareg, and a thriving black market on water. Terrain Types on such worlds include Cold (at night), dry heat, thirst, wear and tear and exposure to radiation (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85).
Forest Planet: A planet whose land surface is mostly or entirely covered by temperate to sub-tropical forest. Earth several million years ago could be considered a Forest Planet, since the warmer atmosphere and higher atmospheric humidity levels meant much more of the planet was covered in lush forest. Terrain Types on such worlds include cold and ice in the winter, starvation and thirst, storms, vermin and wear and tear (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85). bbbbb
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Garbage Planet |
Ice Planet: Planets whose entire surfaces look like Greenland glaciers. Somewhat justified, as there actually are frozen-over planets and moons (for example, several moons of Jupiter and Saturn). Really cold Ocean Planets can become an Ice Planet. Terrain Types on such worlds include cold, ice, starvation and thirst, storms and wear and tear (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85). Animals common to the Ice Planets include prehistoric mammal analogs, burrowing monsters and Yetis.
Jungle Planet: Mind the bugs, they are positively enormous. Expect most things that crop up in Hungry Jungle stories. Terrain Types on such worlds include humid heat, starvation and thirst, vermin and wear and tear (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85). The dangerous animals most associated with jungle planets are insects, giant apes, and reptiles, even dinosaurs.
Ocean Planet: These tend to have just a few, if any, mountains tall enough to breach the surface and make islands; if there are, they're prime beachfront vacation spots. Terrain Types on such worlds include cold, thirst, storms, wear and tear and the possibility of drowning (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85).
Mountain World: These planets are all or nearly all hills and mountains, with most life (if any) living in nooks and crannys between the peaks or underground. Terrain Types on such worlds include cliffs, cold and ice, dry or humid heat, starvation and thirst, storms, vermin and wear and tear (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85).
Swamp Planet: Like the Jungle, but easier to lose your shoe. (Or your ship). Terrain Types on such worlds include humid heat, starvation and thirst, vermin and wear and tear (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85). The dangerous animals most associated with swamp worlds are insect swarms, plant monsters and reptiles, even dinosaurs.
Twilight world (Tidally Locked Planets): While not truly single-biome, they traditionally have only about three: blazing hot desert on the day side, temperate zone of perpetual twilight at the day/night terminator, and sub-freezing wasteland on the night side. Terrain Types on such worlds include cold, heat, thirst, storms, wear and tear and getting lost in the dark (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85).
Volcano Planet: Defined by earthquakes, smoke, rivers of lava, and lots and lots of unchained mountains you don't want to climb. Terrain Types on such worlds include cliffs, dry heat, poisonous fumes, fire, wear and tear (see Grit and Vigor pages 83-85) and the danger of lava.
Sector: In stellar cartography, a sector, which s referred to as a star sector or space sector, is a region within the Milky Way Galaxy. Sectors are composed of an area and volume encompassing several light years and typically contain several star systems. Some examples are Bai Hu Sector, Crab Nebula, Pleiades Sector, and Sector 8023.
System: The planets Star System or the name of the planets Sun(s).
Atmosphere: The planets atmosphere, if any. The standard classifications are as follows:
None: No atmosphere to speak of. Instantly lethal to anyone without a spacesuit.
Terran Standard: Air suitable for earth life.
Thin: Like high altitudes, such places may require an oxygen tank. Otherwise characters must make a Fortitude save each round of activity, or be fatigued.
Toxic: Character must make a Fortitude save each round or suffer the effects of poison (roll 1d4 for poison intensity, see Grit and Vigor page 62).
Gravity: A planets gravity is an important factor. Though greater extremes exist, these are the basics:
High Gravity: Item weights doubled, weapon ranges halved, attack rolls at -2 for non-natives, falling damage is doubled.
Low Gravity: Item weights halved, weapon ranges doubled, attack rolls at -2 for non‐natives, falling damage halved.
Standard Gravity (Earth-Like): No changes.
Day Length: In 60 minute hours.
Year Length: In 24 hour days.
Population: Both the numbers (and a percentile breakdown of the planets races).
Government: A planet can have any sort of government, but the following are the most common:
Autocracy: A government under the control of a single leader. Usually a monarch or dictator.
Bureaucracy: A society ruled by rules and paperwork. Its like having the DMV running a planet.
Democracy: A society ruled by the majority of its citizens.
Plutocracy: A society ruled by the rich. Usually has medieval style ranks such as Duke, Earl etc.
Republic: A society ruled by elected officials.
Technocracy: A society ruled by experts such as scientists and engineers.
Theocracy: A society ruled by religious or spiritual institutions.
Tech Level: The level of technological equipment available to the citizens of the planet. Common types are:
Stone-Age: Stone, bone and wood implements or the equivalent.
Pre-Industrial: Everything from Ancient Egyptian to Renaissance level.
Industrial: Industrial Revolution up to WW2 era technology.
Space-faring: Capable of interplanetary travel and space-borne industry.
Hyperspace: Access to hyperspace and its weird energies. Some magic-like powers.
Transcendent/Singularity: Beyond human understanding.
So for example, here is a writeup for our very own Mars in the 51st Century:
Planet Name: Mars
Planet Name: Mars
Sector: Imperial Space.
System: Sol System.
Atmosphere: Thin
Gravity: Imperial Standard (though slightly lower).
Day Length: 23 hours 56 minutes.
Year Length: 687 days.
Population: 8m (20% Human, 30% Mutant, 10% Serpentmen, 25% Android, 10% Aihais, 5% Other)
Government: Autocracy (Duke Guan Yu VIII)
Tech Level: Hyperspace.
Mars is a major world in the Sol System, and the site of a large factory and Imperial Ship-works. Though terraforming has been underway for centuries, the world is still dry, cold and harsh. For Eons the world has been in sharp decline, and the original inhabitants were forced to live underground in the planets abundant lava tubes as well as artificial caverns and tunnels. Since the coming of Earth settlers, several surface towns have been re-settled. Overall Mars has the feel of being bot new and lively and old and tired at the same time. Several places of note are:
Ignarh: The Commercial Metropolis of Mars and seat of the Imperial representative Duke Guan-Yu VIII. It is a bustling city that is mostly underground, but has numerous domes poking up to the surface. Law and order here is brutal and efficient in the rich quarters, but crime and graft are rife in the rest of the city. Gangs of mutants and aliens and the worst sorts of crimes like organlegging, slavery and worse are common.
Lakkdarol: One of many trade towns on Mars, but one with its own small spaceport. The town is rough-hewn, jumbles slum, though it has a lively market and a number of interesting old temples. Located near the ancient Cydonian ruins, Lakkdarol is especially liked by smugglers, pirates, runaway slaves, exiled Space Patrol officers and more than a few adventurers.
Ravormos: This is an underground city still ruled primarily by the Martians, and the site of the great Temple of Sleep, where the Great Old One Vulthoon (Gsarthotegga) sleeps. This temple houses many strange arcane technologies and alien plants, and houses deep arcane knowledge. Imperial forces leave this town mostly to itself, though efforts by the Undying and other mystic societies to establish better relations are underway.
Next: Setting details on several planetary Systems, More Starships, and Rogues Gallery characters. And much MUCH more! So stay tuned.