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Otto Carnage (Automaton Hexblade of Detriax) |
“If we didn't want anything, we would never get anything,
good or bad. I think our longings are natural, and if we act as nature prompts
us we can't go far wrong.” -Tik-Tok of Oz
Automatons are intelligent, artificial lifeforms created
by ancient peoples (Empyrean Titans, elves, gnomes, ophidians), Wizards, Celestial Clerics and Machine Cultists. They are as sentient as any living creature,
and can “procreate” by building children and endowing them with a portion of
their own souls. Automatons are humanoid creatures composed of tin, wood,
bronze, porcelain, ivory, steel or other such materials. The actual form of an Automaton is highly variable. Automaton warriors often have suits of armor
attached to their bodies, while scouts may streamline their bodies to make
fitting into small places easier.
Automatons can be found across the Dragon Empire, often found working on ships or on hostile colony worlds, where lack of oxygen, exposure to extreme temperatures of other issues are less of a problem for Automatons.
The Celestial Church has a significant force of Automaton soldiers, both indentured and free after having earned their freedom. These are typically in service to The Architect, god of invention and The Gatekeeper, god of like and death, but many serve the church as a whole. This is not to say that most Automatons are very religious, it is merely that the church creates many types of constructs, including Automatons. The Cult of Detriax, machine goddess of space junk, also creates and employs large numbers of Automatons.
These beings are more comfortable around other Automatons and around constructs of other sorts such as golems, though most Automatons deeply resent being confused with mindless constructs. Automatons are almost always created as servant creatures, and are treated as valuable slaves. Free Automatons are usually those who have earned their freedom after years of service, escaped service or who who have outlived their owners.
These beings are more comfortable around other Automatons and around constructs of other sorts such as golems, though most Automatons deeply resent being confused with mindless constructs. Automatons are almost always created as servant creatures, and are treated as valuable slaves. Free Automatons are usually those who have earned their freedom after years of service, escaped service or who who have outlived their owners.
Automaton Traits
The following traits are common among Automatons.
Ability Score Increase. Your
Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. An Automaton is built complete
and considered fully developed after construction. The maximum age for an Automaton is believed to be about 150 years; it
would clearly depend mostly on the Automaton’s lifestyle and exposure to risk.
Alignment. Automatons are generally
neutral. They were built to fight, not to wonder whether fighting is right.
Though they are perfectly capable of independent thought and moral speculation,
most choose not to wrestle with ethical ideals.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30
Size. An average Automaton stands
between 5′-7′ tall and weigh between 225-400 lbs. Your size is medium.
Living Construct. Even though you were
constructed, you are a humanoid. You are immune to disease. You do not need to
breathe, eat or drink, but you can ingest food or drink if you wish.
Unsleeping Sentinel. Automatons don’t
need to sleep. Instead, they settle into a resting state, remaining
semi-conscious for 4 hours each day. While in this rest state, you are fully
aware of your surroundings. You gain the benefits of a long rest after this
period of being inert.
Clockwork Resilience. You have
advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against
poison damage.
Composite Plating. Your construction
incorporates wood and metal, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class. During a
short rest, you can bond a suit of armor you are wearing to your body. When you
finish that short rest, the armor you are wearing is bonded to you, and it
cannot subsequently be removed from your body until you finish another short
rest during which time you remove the bonded armor. You must be proficient with
the armor in order to bond it to yourself.
Self-Stabilizing. You may add your
proficiency bonus to your death saving throws.
Languages. You can speak, read and
write Common.
Automaton Sub-Races. Five main types
of automatons have been created, with automaton soldiers being the most common.
Companion Automaton
Built to accompany politicians and officers, these Automaton’s
are designed to be pleasant company, often acting as assistants, translators
and bodyguards (and assassins).
Ability Score
Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Center Stage.
You can choose to gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Deception,
Performance, or Persuasion.
Bilingual. You
gain an additional language of your choice.
Medical Automaton
Made to help people who are injured they are well known
for their medical application. They know how to fix many injuries but not any
that are too severe.
Ability Score
Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Rest Easy. You
gain proficiency in Wisdom (Medicine) checks
Mystical Automaton
Using the magic inside them to their full potential, they
are built to assist and contain great magical powers and work with highly adept
Ability Score
Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Pushing the Limits.
You can choose to gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Arcana,
History, Perception, or Persuasion.
Scout Automaton
An Automaton Scout is a nimbler iteration of the Automaton.
You were built for speed and mobility over raw power. An Automaton of this
model possess the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35
Size. Small. You will be on the
lighter size of automaton weights and heights.
Darkvision. Built for scouting
missions you have been created with darkvision. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Soldier Automaton
An Automaton Soldier is what many first envision when
imagining Automaton in general. They possess the following traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
score increases by 1.
Natural Weapon. You can never be
disarmed because you are a weapon. You are proficient with your unarmed
strikes, which deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage using your Strength modifier.
Random Height and Weight
Table: Automaton Random Height and Weight
Base Height
Height Modifier
Base Weight
Weight Modifier
270 lb.
+ (2d6 x 4) lb.
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