Creating a campaign world for a role playing game is very involved. But it can also be very rewarding for the GM (DM, Storyteller, etc). I prefer creating my own worlds because I am a creative person, and gain enthusiasm for the game the more of a "feel" I have for the setting.
So, I shall be posting my design notes here regarding a campaign setting. The basic premise will be a far-future of our own universe, where mankind has achieved, and lost a great many wonders. Think of it as a "Post-Historic" setting.
I will be calling it; STRANGE EONS
...But what system to use? I have a long fondness for D20 systems, and being as I intend this campaign setting to be largely fantasy, it will be some sort of D20 system. Perhaps a Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition, with numerous tweaks to the system.
I was contemplating using the Basic Fantasy system, which I talked about in a previous post. This would take only a few system tweaks, and would be a good opportunity to take the system out for a ride so-to-speak.
What do you think?
1 comment:
I just got your email. Nice blog by the way. Excellent pictures on it! My boyfriend plays D&D and he would love this place. :)
Nice to meet a fellow artist.
Benedetta sia,
Elisa Aurora
Willow Art Productions
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