Many times, in recent years I have encountered would-be players of Dungeons and Dragons whose sole experience with the fantasy genre has been Disney animation and themes. They did not read “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Sword of Shannara” or “The Magicians Nephew” as children, and don’t know what you are talking about when mentioning Orcs, Lolth or Elminster. And so, I feel that a series of articles to address this issue was in order.
So, here I will begin with the first installment of a series detailing a Dungeons and Dragons campaign through the lens of Classic Disney animated films, shows, comics and related media. This is meant as a love letter to those old films and to honor the vision of Walt Disney. I am titling this series:

In this series I will be covering the Fantasy Races, Classes, Magic, Monsters and other features for a campaign set in the realm of Fantasyland. This will also include Maps, Regional Details, and sample adventures. For starters, I am sticking to the movies and shows produced up to the death of Walt Disney (1966), as I feel this material best reflect the spirit of D&D style fantasy-adventure. I will dip into later works such as The Black Cauldron, the Adventures of the Gummi Bears and other works as we go, so this is not a hard rule.
So, stay tuned, we have a great deal of terrain to cover.
Note: It is my intention that this material be a tribute to Disney media in relation to adventure fantasy games. It is NOT meant as a copyright infringement of any kind. I will do my best to be respectful of this material and will link to Disney sources as I go along.
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