Monday, February 6, 2017

AMERU-KA 300: Major Nations

Based on the above map, there are a number of major regions that should be mentioned. I will get into tighter detail concerning regions as the game progresses as well as more detailed maps.

Glydenborg (New Chicago)
The "Golden City"is a powerful city-state and seat of Manheim in Ameru-Ka. The city is walled off, built from salvaged stone, ferro-concrete and steel. It is built atop the ruins of the Fourth Age city of Chicago. The city is ruled by Earl Glyden and his parliamentary Council of Lords. Glydenborg has a large army and navy. Industry here is run by the Guilds who set rates and coordinate with the Council of Lords. Glydenborg maintains its own police, peopled mostly by ex-soldiers. Humans are the majority here, but Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings have a large presence, and a number of Elves Half-Elves and Half-Ogres can be found here as well.
The city is a mix of medieval and modern design, with packed earth and gravel streets (kept clean by honeywagons), winding lanes and close housing. Most of the city uses gutters, but the wealthier sections have sewers and indoor plumbing. Foot traffic and animals compete with rickshaws and pedicabs in a jumbled mess. The northeast sections of the city are slums, and are also the location of the cities industrial yards such as plastic melting vats, tanners, slaughterhouses and such smelly industry.
The New Asgardians are openly revered here, especially Alvis, Balder, Paul Bunyan, Smokey Pete and Thrudd are all popular. There are also followers of the Druidry and those following tribal Shamanism (Druid varient). There is also a potent and active Wizard Guild, which teaches magic of all schools, alchemy and engineering. Glydenborg is Neutral in alignment regarding business and magic, as long as the rule of law is maintained. 

Maskinborg (Machine City)
Located in a region that was once known as Wyoming in ancient times. Its is a bustling city of machines and industry. Ruled by the Sulphur King Alberich VIII, the town is peopled by industrialist Dwarves and Humans, but welcome all races coming with gold and an interest in business. A large number of Goblins and Gremlins also live here, working with the Dwarves to create ever more complex and devious inventions. The streets are patrolled by Goblin and Hobgoblin mercenaries, and the dwarves have numerous mechanical monsters to keep the peace.
The city is jumbled place guarded by stout stone walls and guarded by Iron Golems, Iron Living Statues and war machines of devlish construction. The sky here is continually blacked from smoke and fumes and the cobblestone streets dusted with soot. The towns engines draw from the elemental furnaces drawn from the Yellow Stone elemental font, a source of great mystical power. The city is politically neutral, trading with all powers without prejudice, though elves are rarely seen here. 

Nastrond (New Akron)
A city-state located on the edge of toxic swamplands atop the ruins of the fourth age city of Akron. This is an outlaw city and home to many degenerate cults and strange magic. Despite its bad reputation, Nastrond is wealthy and prosperous as it is a place where anything and everything may be bought and sold. Salvage from the many landfills here as well as delving into dark magic are major businesses here. Goblin-kin, humans, hags and trolls are all found here, but it is humans who dominate. 

Okolnir (Dwarf Kingdom)
The Dwarf land of Okolnir is a very strong and militarily potent nation. In these desert mountains and valleys the dwarves have established a veritable paradise, with the main city garden enclosed under a huge geodesic dome of glassteel and watered via cunning and engineering. The main dwarf city is underground and a home of marvelous ingenuity and wealth. Militarily, Okolnir is mighty, with a vast army of golems (stone and iron), dwarves and many cunning weapons guard her borders. The government of Okolnir is a Parliament of Guild-masters, and thoroughly socialist.
The dwarf god Sindri (Creation Cult) is revered here and presently at peace with the New Asgardians. Dwarf ancestor worship is the only other major faith, whose clerics as standard Lawful clerics. 

This wild and savage city-state is home of a group of Hags, Trolls, Ogres and other descendants of the ancient Jotunn armies of Ragnarok. The city itself is rough-hewn and raggid, though its walls are strong. Trolgard is an outlaw city, situated in poisoned and irradiated lands that give rise to many mutations and restless dead of many types. The rulers here are a powerful covey of Hags and their Troll and Ogre lackeys as well as mutants and wild humans. The economy here is based on magic and misery, with slaves, foul narcotics and other criminal enterprises being the stock-in-trade of the rulers and merchants here.  

Tunkerton (New Branson)
Tunkerton is a land of wild invention and has the feel of a never-ending carnival. Gnomes and Halflings can be found here in large numbers, with a Gnomish Council of Craftsmen as the rulers. All manner of strange and improbable devices can be found here. Magic is a major subject here, especially anything to do with Wondrous Items, Constructs and Scientific Devices. The cult of Alviss (Scholar cult) and Smokey Pete (Technology cult) are all very active here, though Magic Users are just as prevalent as spiritual teachers. 

New Risaland (Giant Land)
This region is controlled by the Giant remnants of the Jotunn armies and have chosen to remain here rather than return to Jotunheim. Since the war, this remnant has degenerated considerably, perhaps due to the poisons now rampant on the ravaged land of Midgard. Though a small handful of true Jotunn remain (use Titan stats) along with some true giants, the majority of their children are born warped and stunted to the extent that the majority of giant kind are misshapen creatures such as Athach, Cyclops, Ettin, Hill Giants (with variations), Ogres and other beings. Trolls are also quite numerous, but keep their own lands and culture.
The Jotunn of Risaland live in barbaric castles, crude wooden forts and in family estates, living wild. Out of this land come all manner of immense creatures not seen on Earth in eons such as Mammoths, Dire Elk, Dire bears and other giant animals. It is said that these animals were brought from Jotunheim or bred using magic of the Jotun. Whatever the source, this is truly a land of giants.

Glasir Plains (Great Plains)
These Great Plains are vast grassland and prairie that is mostly empty of mankind. It is the home of herds of Buffalo, some of which are giant-sized breeds from New Risaland. It is a region of fierce storms, tornado and salty dust that can dry the skin terribly. But it is a beautiful and vibrant land. Wind wagons are used to cross these plains, and are favored by nomads, particularly Halflings and Gnomes. Gnomish and Dwarf-made landships can also be found, using arcane technology to drive these vehicles across these planes.

Most of the world has returned to primeval wilderness, with deep, dense forests, wild hills and windy plains. But dangers old and new are here as well.

Irradiated Zones
Places marked with an atomic symbol, are regions that were so decimated from the use of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons, that they are still saturated by the energies of those weapons. Such radiation is considered "Negative Energy" in gaming terms. This energy comes in Minor or Major levels. In regions with Minor Negative Energy living creatures take 1d6 points of damage per round. At 0 hit points or lower, they crumble into ash. Major negative-dominant areas are even more severe. Each round, those within must make a saving throw or lose one level to energy drain. A creature whose level is reduced to zero is slain, becoming a wraith. Death ward protects a traveler from the damage and energy drain of a negative-dominant regions. Undead gain regeneration in irradiated areas, and thus are very likely to dwell there.
Living creatures that dwell near such places, often sheltering in underground areas, grow into twisted monsters, often becoming twisted and sprouting weird growths. This is the source of many of the Aberrations, mutants and other things found wandering the wastelands.

More to come!

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