A Campaign Setting for Grit & Vigor
With Autumn closing in I find myself pondering tabletop RPG
campaigns, and as I have a group eager for a game I am delving back into the
Pulp Age Universe I designed for the Grit and Vigor RPG by John Stater. For
those unaware, Pulp Age is an alternate universe setting in which select stories
all of which is taken from
pre-existing literary works or mythology are historic fact (though often
hidden from the public). Most of these bits of strange history are those that
found their way into the pulps and magazines such as Adventure, Argosy, Amazing Stories, Black Mask, Blue Book, Dime Detective, The Novel Magazine, The Popular Magazine, The Sovereign Magazine, Flying Aces, Stories,
Planet Stories, Short Stories, Startling
Stories, Street & Smith, Unknown,
Weird Tales and Western Story Magazine.
So, the world of the Pulp Age will
share much of the history of our world, but punctuated with Alien Invasions, Flying
Ships, Lost Lands, Dieselpunk Spaceships, Sorcery, and Mad Science. The
resulting world has more BIG DREAMS front and center with scientific
innovations are bigger and more obvious, and wild, wonderful and dreadful
discoveries are in the newspapers every day.
The campaign setting, I will be using will begin in the
Pulp Age version of New York City in 1923. The Roaring Twenties. An age of
social, artistic and cultural dynamism. It was a time that saw unprecedented
industrial and economic growth, celebrity and music. It was a world of Art Deco
design, automobiles, flappers, gangsters, moving pictures and jazz music. In
this Post Great War America, everything is UP. Broadway, Ragtime, Jazz and the
beginnings of the movie industry are on everyone's minds and the economy,
industry, the stock market, and the American Dream is in full swing. However a number of recent historic events and cultural
happenings are in everyone’s minds. Some potent ones are as follows:
INVASION (1898-1901): The coming of the Invaders and the subsequent warfare
was a bitter struggle that is still in the memories and minds of the people of
the Western World. The invaders themselves, are a loathsome species now known as
the Sarmak that originate in the Nix Olympias in the Nordus Gordii
region of Mars. The Sarmak Martians are now believed to be one of
the Elder
Races of Mars and due to the ecological changes ravaging the planet, a race in
decline at the time of the first human landings. Technologically advanced, the Sarmak
made much use of their perverted science to eke out the meagre resources of
Mars and launch their failed invasion of Earth. Though mostly defeated by human
resistance the Sarmak are still an issue in some regions of the Earth, and
remain active on Mars and Venus.
The Invasion, though catastrophic to many, allowed
humanity access to advanced technology and materials that allowed the Western
Powers to create many marvels and terrors of their own. Anti-Martian weaponry,
particularly Aeronef (heavier than air aircraft), Aerostat (Zeppelins), Babbage
Engines (computers), Land Ironclads, Tripods, and other marvels were all
developed by extensive study of Martian technology. Unfortunately, many of
these marvels were used against humans during the Great War.
Mars Colonies:
Several Earth colonies now exist on Mars, originally sent to fight against the
Sarmak. These colonies are small at-present, but hope to exploit the Red
Planets many riches. Of notable interest are the humanoid Martians called the
Auroreans, who are believed to be descendants of Atlantis.
THE HOLLOW EARTH (1863-Present): Despite Professor Lidenbrock's

The difficulty of access, as well as the hostile fauna
and flora, did initially restrict the ability of the Western Powers to colonize
the new lands, but where the prize is big enough, man's avarice knows no bounds
and soon the Powers began to carve up the newly discovered territories, domesticating
some of the wild pre-historic beasts to use as transportation and conquering
the indigenous sub-human races that populated the wild lands below. Many of the locals are human, and eager to learn from the Western colonials, though some have proven hostile. Several representatives of advanced societies have been discovered in recent days, who have access to advanced technology and are clearly hostile to surface people.
Fort Dinosaur
(United States, Caspak): A growing city on the Island of Caprona, this
city/port has tamed this region. The island is an entry point into the Hollow
World, and is of great value to the U.S., explorers and investors.
LUNA (1900-Present):
The Bedford-Cavour expedition in 1900 which uncovered a subterranean race named
the Selenites set about a series of powerful discoveries. The insect-like race
had created a relatively advanced underground society following an ancient
apocalyptic war on the surface of their world. The Selenites soon found
themselves at war with subsequent interlopers from Earth as deposits of
R-Matter were discovered on the lunar surface. Whilst their military technology
is not as advanced as that from Earth, their innovative use of large
underground creatures gives them a decided advantage in battles against the
colonial powers. The human bases on the Moon (similar in construction to the
Undersea Forts on Earth) find themselves under near constant siege and mining
convoys on the Moon's surface are regularly ambushed by Selenite forces.
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