While the
common spell list is a starting point for magewright spells, you can modify
these spells
versatile. Prestidigitation can heat
or chill an object, light or extinguish a flame. Both the lamplighter and the
chef may know prestidigitation,
but the chef’s version may only work on food, while the lamplighter can only
light or extinguish flames. An actor may know a version of thaumaturgy that
helps project their voice but doesn’t provide any of the other benefits. Artisans
often know versions of guidance that only helps with their particular art.
In dealing
with a magewright, think about the form that their magic takes. A locksmith can
perform knock as a ritual. But they
don’t just snap their fingers. They might use lengths of wire or iron rods,
tracing patterns around the lock they are dealing with while murmuring
incantations. The magewright performs magic as both a job and a science.
Here are
some examples of magewrights common in the Cosmic Seas setting, and the
services that they provide. Not every healer can cast lesser restoration, and not every astrologer can cast divination, these are general
Astrologer/Navigator. Proficient in
Arcana and with navigators’ tools. Augury
(ritual 50go cost); divination (1-hour
ritual, 200 gp).
Boatswain/Bosun. Mending, message, locate object (1-hour
ritual, 50 gp component cost). Familiar with Carpenters tools
Chef. Prestidigitation (food only), purify food and drink (ritual), gentle repose (ritual, food only).
Familiar with cook’s tools.
Healer. Proficient with
Medicine and herbalism kits. Spare the
dying, detect poison and disease (ritual), lesser restoration (1-hour ritual, 50 gp component cost).
Lamplighter. Light, continual flame (1-hour ritual,
50 gp component cost); uses tinker’s tools to create and repair lanterns.
Locksmith. Arcane lock (1-hour ritual, 50 gp
component cost), knock (ritual, 50 gp
component cost); proficient with thieves’ tools and tinker’s tools.
Mechanist. Mage hand, prestidigitation, protection from
energy (1-hour ritual, 50 gp component cost), animate object (ritual 300 gp component cost). Familiar with Alchemists and Tinkerers
The term magewright
specifically refers to an arcane spellcaster. In religious communities’ adventurers
may find divine casters performing these same functions. casters performing
these same functions. Such a divine caster is called an Adept. Divine magic is a
gift instead of a science, and adepts typically work on behalf of their faith
rather than selling their services.
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