And then theres the monsters...
I should mention that before D&D, there were very few resources available to the fantasy fan beyond The Lord of The Rings series, Tolkien rip-offs, and a small number of other books. And far fewer options to anyone who wanted to see artwork accompanying the stories.
When D&D came out, it was full of illustrations of every sort of monster from mythology and a great many from pulp and science fiction novels. Many of these illustrations were technically crude, but had a lurid energy that is hard to find in later versions. I gobbled those books up, even though I didn't have a group I hoarded those books and studied the art like nothing else.

Tarmouths race doesnt normally have the capacity to talk, but tarmouth has been changed to allow for it, though he is perpentually drooling a black tar-like substance. Rash is from a sort of taskmaster of the infernal, though now a person of some underworld importance, he tries to dress well. Gerr is a troll.
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