Thursday, August 26, 2010

World of Avis: Campaign Setting

The world and setting will be of the sort that many Fantasy Role-Playing Games tend to be, though with my own twists and turns. Manking shares the world of Avis with a host of other, non-human races. Dwarves, Elves and Halflings are more-or-less allies to man, at least when compared to the Giants, Goblin-kin and other creatures that haunt the corners of the world.

Peoples and Classes
Here is a brief overview of the peoples that populate the world of Avis, especially those found in the immediate area of Ulbrand, seen in the map below.
Dwarves: The dwarves of Avis live almost exclusively on the Northern Continent (see Map). In the far north they hold large kingdoms beneath the ice and under the mountains, from which they wage nearly constant war with the Frost Giants, White Dragons and other creatures. All dwarves see the Dwarf Czar Borislav VIII as the true King of The Dwarves, and make a point of bringing it up when meeting Human or Elf kings. Most Dwarves keep to Clan/Guild affiliations rather than ranks of nobility.
Elves: The elves live primarily in the Summerlands, a land thought by most Northerners to be a magical otherworld, but is in-fact the Southern Continent (see Map). Some elves still remain in the north, maintaining beautiful (and usually hidden) fortress-citadels and enchanted forests, though many such places are long abandoned and grown wild and dangerous. In the Summerlands the Elves are ruled by an immortal Empress whose power in nearly that of a goddess. Some elves wander the lands of men as exiles due to mixed human heritage and a lust for adventure. Such "pilgrims" like in a manner much like gypsies, along with human husbands wives and half-kin, selling magic and mysteries to the peoples of the lands.
Halflings: Rural beings of farm and meadow, these people are the most like humankind in look and temperament. Most halflings can be found living in or near human settlements and cities, living much as anyone else. Halflings are renowned as the best cooks and brewers of all the races, and are much sought after in this regard. While many halflings are farmers and similar rural folk, Avis Halflings are also renowned as trackers and hunters.
Humans: Humans of Avis are much like those found in our world, save perhaps a bit more robust and adventurous. The people of Ulbrand are much like mixed European peoples, leaning towards Slavic and Nordic types. Men wear beards and women tend to be full-figured. Clothing is practical first and stylish second with fur-lined cloaks, coats and hats common. Though most humans live in the towns and cities, a great many also live in homesteads, farms and in nomadic bands.
Clerics: Clerics are the servants of the Gods, and thus represent their chosen deity amongst the races. The gods of Avis are- Mother Nature, Father Time, The Man in The Moon, Sun Maiden, Mother Necessity, Lady Justice, Spirit of Invention, Old Man of the Sea, North Wind, South Wind, East Wind, and the West Wind. Though they represent broad elemental concepts, these gods are persons, though powerful ones. More on these gods will be coming soon.
Fighters: From Barbarian warriors to shining Paladins, fighters are in great demand all over Avis. Wars between rival lords, highwaymen, monsters and raiders all keep a fighters life exciting, and often quite short.
Magic Users: Wizards, witches and the like are fairly widespread on Avis, though few reach great power. All seeking to gain true might typically join one or another magical society, where they might gain greater access to spells. Some significant societies will be detailed very soon.
Thieves: Those who make their living through stealth and guile are far from rare on Avis. These men and women can be found in cities as thieves and con-men, or working in the wilderness as bandits, scouts and spies.

Central Ulbrand and Environs (Avis)
Here is a map of the campaign setting. The land is deeply forested and pretty wild. Winters here are crisp, beautiful and dangerous (a great place for a Christmas Special). Some places of note:
Goldseeker Mountains: Despite the name, there are few profitable gold mines in these mountains. Though many valuable ores are indeed present in the mountains, Orcs are plentiful here as are far worse beings.
Brackenmoor: A large stretch of moorland Northeast of the mountains. This region is haunted by fell spirits and fairy lights that are a danger to all who wander here at night.
Dunford (Small Town): A prosperous town that sports the largest bridge along the Grey River. The town is a famous stopping place for caravans.
Grandpool Sea: Really a large freshwater lake, this lake is teeming with fish all year round. In the winter, the Grandpool freezes over, and though this means that the larger amount of snowfall ceases, it allows the giants of the far bank to more easily raid human lands.
Hillbeard (Small Town): This town was originally a trade town for the Dwarven Fortress of Nightscar before it fell. Now it hosts many of the survivors of that lost citadel. Those who did not move on have expanded this riverside village into a small town more to the liking of the Dwarves. Hillbeard is considered the best locale for quality metalwork.
Keeptree (Hamlet): More of a trading post for traveling elves, this hamlet consists largely of humans with professed elf-blood (treat as elfin humans and elves) and a small number of elves.
Littlesur (Village): This Halfling village is renowned for its cheese and beer. Not alot happens here, and few visitors come through. Still, those looking to do business will find the Halfling to be shrewd businessfolk and well aware of the value of their labors.
Longfort (Thorp): A fortress with an accompanying cluster of shops, farms and related industries. The fortress itself was built by the now receded Aubadian Empire, but is now controlled by Earl Davril Whiteham, from which his forces watch the Grandpool for raiders.
Newbend (Hamlet): A small hamlet along the Grey River and home to the powerful wizard Edward Klute (16th Level). This wizard does not rule the city in any way, but is known far and wide as a good and helpful mage, though one who dislikes uninvited guests.
Nightscar (Small City/Ruin): Once a mighty Dwarven citadel and trade city, now taken by the Dragon Driligan The Red and its orc minions. Though the dragon itself is only rarely seen, orc raiders are far more common, particularly during the long winter when the sun is hidden behind gray skies.
Oneyaw (Thorp): A small settlement not far from the Brackenmoor and home to a tough breed of farmer. The people here are hard-working but friendly folk. Archery is very popular here, both as a sport and for when orcs or other menaces come raiding.
Whiteham (Large Town): This bustling place is the seat of the local Whiteham family, a powerful noble family. The town focuses largely around fishing, but is home to a large number of other industries.
Swamphorn Forest: A dense wood that is more than half swamp, This forest is home to a large number of wild game, but is considered haunted by the locals.

Labyrinth Lord Game!

Looks like I will be running a Labyrinth Lord Game soon! This old-school style game uses a re-casting of the classic Basic Dungeons and Dragons game, and can be downloaded for free here.

I will be using a home-brew campaign setting, called Avis. I will be posting setting details and related artwork here in the days and weeks ahead. Below is a world map, though the campaign will center on a particular region (unless the players are particularly ambitious). This map is unfinished, and as yet lacking many details.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Atomic Dawn: The Alamo Empire

Aliases: Lone Star
Alamo City (See Map for details)
Area: SW Merica
Government: Monarchy
Population*: 1,456,800 (40% Pure Human, 20% Android, 20% Mutant Human, 15% Mutant Animal, 5% Mutant Plant)
Languages: English, Navaho, Spanglish
Imports: Slaves, food, lumber
Exports: Processed goods, technology
Alignment: Neutral
The Alamo Empire is located in the South-West region of the North American continent, and encompasses what was once Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona, Arkansas, and Southern California. The Empire boasts a high standard of living, an excellent economy and a potent military.
However, the Alamo Empire’s prosperity is built upon the enslavement of its mutant population. Mutants in the Empire are considered the property of the state, to be utilized as a specialized resource. Mutants of all kinds work as soldiers, guards, laborers, craftsmen and in some cases power sources, using their powers to fulfill their duties as determined by the Molech Corporation and the Department of Mutant Utilization (D.M.U.).
Under the command of the Emperor, the Alamo Empire is ruled over by a coalition of noble landowners and ranchers, who are responsible for maintaining troops and protecting their region. Freeman farmers and merchants form the "middle class," with peasant sharecropping tenants and laborers forming the lowest rung of citizenry. Mutant slaves have no rights as a citizen, and can never vote.
The people of the Empire consider themselves to be the successors of the American Empire, and have adopted a number of symbols and sayings from Americana culture.
*This does not indicate wild tribes, and outlaw bands in the wilderness, only official numbers.

Law and Order
Sheriffs are responsible for keeping the peace (a "shire reeve") throughout a shire or county on behalf of the Emperor, acting as investigator, policeman and tax collector, earning both awe and hatred from citizen and Noble alike. Everyday law enforcement and defense if maintained primarily by freeman militias, who maintain their own equipment and must be ready to muster when danger looms.

The Alamo Guard
The Alamo Guard are all specially trained soldiers that are ultimately answerable to the Emperor alone. All guardsmen are hand-picked, and are a motley and eccentric lot of troopers. Pure Humans are the most numerous members of the Alamo Guard, but a large number of basic and synthetic Androids fill their ranks. The main criteria for membership is fanatic loyalty to the Empire, martial expertise, and a never say die attitude.
Membership in the Alamo requires that the character be an Alamo Citizen or a Basic or Synthetic Android, be of Lawful Alignment, and be of at least 8th level. Would-be members must be approved by the Emperors office after a series of tests. If accepted a period of training is mandatory, after which the Guardsmen is issued a suit of Ballistic Nylon armor, a Warp-Field Sword, and his Badge.
The guard is responsible to defending the Empire from extraordinary threats, and as such are only deployed when such threats are detected. Though the guard numbers little over two thousand members, they are widely known and respected. The Guardian robot series (see below) grants the Guard considerable power, as these relentless robots are a true terror on the battlefield. All of these robots are built and commanded by Mastermind V, a robot survivor of the Transgenic Wars. This robot is a fanatic opponent of the "Mutant Threat," and considered a great ally and servant of the Empire.

Alamo Rangers
The elite troops and scouts of the Empire, the Alamo Rangers can be found wherever threats can be detected or suspected. Though of great pride to the Empire, quite often the Rangers are under-staffed, under-funded and stretched far to thin over a vast amount of territory. Because of this, members of the Alamo Rangers have to make do with salvaged weapons and parts, unusual tactics and strange allies in the execution of their duties.
Officially the Rangers are agents of the Empire, and as-such are supposed to be supported and welcomed by the nobility. More often than not, rangers must fend for themselves. They are seen as near bogey-men by the commoners, but their services are greatly appreciated when monsters are on the move.

The Big Circus (Sports)
Sporting events of all kinds are extremely important in the lives of Alamo citizens. Races, demolition derbys, wrestling, boxing, football, and violent bloody spectacles are greatly enjoyed. Alamo City sports a massive Colosseum large enough to accommodate 80,000 spectators (111,000 if standing), and hosts large sporting events on holidays. Far smaller arenas are the norm, with local arenas focusing on a small number of sporting events (demolition derby's and racing, but not boxing etc). Televised events broadcast from the Capitol are only available to the wealthy and tech-savvy. Some wealthy landowners will show televised or recorded events in town squares on Thanksgiving or other holidays.
The Circus serves as a form of penal service for the empire, with convicts and other undesirables having the chance to earn back their freedom by performing for three years in the arena. Similarly, mutant gladiators can earn a measure of fame and respect not normally given their kind in the Empire, if they survive (though they can never earn their freedom).

AlliesThe Empire, like any large government, needs its allies to share the burden of governance.
CostMart is widespread in the Empire and boasts many Superstores, factories, farms, and Utopian Domes withing the Empires borders (see CostMart for details). The Empire makes full use of trade agreements with this megacorporation, but also maintains its own facilities in case CostMart gets out of hand. Nearly all androids active in the Empire come from this megacorporation. Because of this, androids are greatly respected (and by-far more preferable company to mutants), and can even be found in positions of Imperial authority. Due to this close relationship, CostMart produces several special products for the Empires use. These are assorted vehicles, cloning and other medical procedures, Assault Robots, Advanced Armors (including the Light and Medium EMA) and many Grenade types. As these are highly specialized technologies, CostMart charges the Empire a pretty penny for this service.

Molech Corporation
The Molech corporation specializes in the acquisition and processing of mutant slaves. Agents of this corporation can be found all over Merica and beyond, seeking out specific mutant types. Slavers funded by the Molech Corporation are the best equipped and best trained in the field, though independent contractors such as pirates and raiders are also frequently used. Certain mutant animal breeds have taken well to working for Molech, particularly Canisoids and Pigmen, who both enjoy the hunt and the subjugation of others.
Slave Collar: These collars, once placed around a mutants neck creates an effect similar to the Ancestral Form mental mutation, stripping the mutant subject of all powers and drawbacks other than those derived from purely physical changes (Aberrant Form, Gigantism, Simian Deformity, etc). If removed, the mutants powers return immediately. Attempting to force the collar causes to collar to close tighter on the wearer (treat as though drowning). These collars have no affect upon Pure Humans.

The Vatican
Since the drowning of Rome the Vatican is now located North-West of Alamo City and though within the borders of the Empire, it is considered a separate country. The present leader of the church Pope Callistus III (Antonio Velez) was born in the Empire and is a particularly skilled spokesman. Despite the sentiments towards mutants, the Pope promotes mercy towards mutant humans.
Though the Empire does not have a State Religion, a great many people in the Empire are Catholic (see Atomic Dawn: Religion for the settings take on religions), with a particular love for Saint Agatha, Saint Francis, and Saint Isidore of Seville (Patron Saint of Technology). Saint Christopher and Saint Death are popular amongst remote communities and the mutant population.
Missionaries from the Vatican can be found all over the continent and beyond. A primary focus of The Church is to glean information of the ancient world from ruins, particularly cultural texts, artwork and history to attempt to piece together a more complete picture of the world before the collapse. Because of this, the Vatican sports a vast library and numerous print-shops in an attempt at re-distributing worthwhile texts.
The Order of Saint Isidore (Isadorian Order): This order reveres the teachings and example of Saint Isidore of Seville (San Isidro), a scholarly saint dedicated to the accumulation and observation of knowledge. In the present age this order is dedicated to preserving and acquisition of knowledge via the scientific method. This order has their own technologists and repair facilities, fully capable of building and repairing a wide range of vehicles and devices, including the Heavy EMA armor used by the Swiss Guard.

The Empire counts many enemies, and is vigilant in keeping an eye on all such foes. Here are a few that are near its borders.

The Alien rulers of Atlantis are a great concern to the Empire, as their motives are unreadable and their technology far to powerful for comfort. No direct action against Atlantis has been undertaken as of yet, but it is only a matter of time. See Aliens for details. More about this city-state will be posted soon.

New Eden
The Mormon land of New Eden is not an aggressive or expansionist power, however Edens United Order form of government is deeply disturbing to the feudal government of the Empire and its Americana roots. Furthermore, Edens policy of Mutant Rights and its blasphemous insistence that Mutant Animals and Mutant Plants have eternal souls make this nation of great dislike and growing concern for the Empire.
The Molech Corporation has reported that highly organized militias of Edenite mutants have proven to be potent foes during slave-hunting expeditions. More focused action is being considered by the Empire.

The A.I. overlord of V.E.G.A.S. has made no bones about its disdain for organic life, or its intent upon assaulting Alamo citizens and lands. The robotic forces of V.E.G.A.S. frequently raid into the Empire, and have proven to be extremely powerful and well-organized.

Alamo Robots
The Alamo Empire uses a wide assortment of robot types. Though most such robots are purchased via contract with CostMart, the Guardian series robot is designed, built and used exclusively by the Alamo Guard, and are completely loyal to the Empire.

Guardian (Mutant Hunter Mark IV)
Hit Dice: 40
Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (Pair), Thrusters (Fly 300 mph)
Manipulators: Basic Hand
Armor: Reactive Armor (AC 1)
Sensors: Class V, Mutant Detection Array*
Mental Programming: Artificial Intelligence
Accessories: AV Recorder, Inertial Inhibitor, Self-destruct, Self-repair Unit, Vocalizer.
Weaponry: Fists (1d12+4), Fusion Rifle (Right Palm), Maser Rifle (Left Palm)

Guardians are the Empires answer to the greater mutant threat. These robots are used primarily in policing actions regarding mutant-kind, but will also be deployed in the case of rampaging monsters. All of these robots are completely loyal to the Empire, and dogmatic in regards to neutralizing the mutant threat. Consider all Guardian Robots to have INT 10, WIL 14, and CHA 6. They can frequently be found working alongside Alamo Rangers and Elite Alamo Guard troops.
Guardians are not subtle opponents. They will typically begin an encounter with enemies with an extremely loud command of "SURRENDER OR BE TERMINATED!" Failure to immediately comply with this command will be met with focused assault. More powerful beings are attacked immediately with no warning.
*The Mutant Detection Array allows the Guardian to detect the presence of Mutants and to identify the mutant type (Animal, Human, Plant). This functions out to a range of 120 feet.
ech Tank (Bio-Energy Phlebotomy

DISNEY & DRAGONS: D&D in Fantasyland

Many times, in recent years I have encountered would-be players of Dungeons and Dragons whose sole experience with the fantasy genre h...