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Dr Bromine. Dwarf Scientist |
single nation, each dwarven citadel is a nation of its own, with its own king, princes, and nobles. The master of a dwarven community, whether it can move or not, is called "the king within the mountain," and his court "the shining council."
The larger nations are unmoving asteroids that tumble around the suns and planets. The dwarves hunt out earth-type planetoids as bases and set up colonies. Dwarven citadels whose populations have grown
too large may move into an asteroid as opposed to creating another citadel immediately, Part of the asteroid is carved away to form a new citadel, and the forges placed within, so that some of the population may move on, should they so desire.
Dwarven life within the asteroids is similar to that of dwarven life on most planets: an underground existence with much mining, crafting, and other activities, broken by feasts and celebrations. Technologically, Dwarven citadels and asteroids are quite advanced, making use of excellent plumbing, aether lanterns and all manner of clever gadgets. Firearms, cannon, and more advanced weapons suitable for use in the Void are all specialities of Dwarf engineers. These dreadful weapons make the larger dwarf citadel-ships and asteroids nearly unassailable for the majority of enemies.
Gardens of plants normally only found in the Underdark are cultivated in large numbers on and in dwarf settlements. Glowmoss, mushrooms and alien plants are all grown and used for a variety of uses by the dwarves.
Wildspace Dwarves can multi-class as cleric/fighters, cleric/scientists, fighter/scientists, fighter/leeches and fighter/ thieves.
Elves and Half-Elves
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Lt. Alichino. Elf Fighter/Magic User. |
scattered in densely populated human continents. The Elven Imperial Navy regularly makes contact at large Elven capitals. The ideas and techniques shared by the space elves may have helped both those nations in their defenses and protection from encroaching human and nonhuman invaders.
The elven fleets are highly organized, with the full rulership of the fleet controlled by the Council of Admirals, headed by a Grand Admiral. These august leaders, elders even in elven years, rule from a hidden base called Lionheart, whose location is secret and is changed every few years to avoid surprise attacks.
Local fleets within spheres are under the control of admirals, though if the number of elven ships is low (there are no elves naturally in the system), a single ship with a captain will suffice to maintain the "elven presence" in a system.
The space elves maintain their ships well, and according to the regulations handed down by the Council of Admirals. In general, the Council will punish lightly those who flaunt their rules and succeed, but woe to the individual who disobeys their strict commandments about weapons, crews, and inspections and then fails in a mission.
Half-Elves: Half-Elves are far more numerous in space than they are in groundling settings, as Elven sailors coming in to port are even more lascivious (but far better smelling) than human sailors. Within the Elven Fleet, Half-Elves can find great chances at a solid career, but will rarely achieve Commissioned officer rank.
Wildspace Elves receive a +1 bonus to hit with pistols, rifles, longswords and short swords. Wildspace Elves have no special bonus with longbows and shortbows.
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Tobias. Halfling Fighter/Thief |
are quite popular for work in tight quarters.
Though no large Halfling nation is known, a number of trade consortiums, and independant vessels owned and operated entirely by Halflings do exist. Halfling ships are usually workaday types such as the Tradesman or converted groungling ships, but the awe-inspiring Swan Ship has been growing in popularity.
Unfortunately, Halflings are also highly prized as slaves by evil Humans and monstrous races such as the Neogi, Evil Eye (Beholders), and Mind Eaters (Illithids). This is due to the reasons mentioned above, and that they are considered relatively weak in comparison to other species.
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William DuPree. Human Duelist |
in space. Ninety percent of the humans in space are free agents, operating for no master or for a temporary master on a particular job. In a change from the feudal attitudes of many groundling nations, the chain of command is much looser and the caste system of peasant to gentleman to noble less prevalent. There are still princes and peasantry, but the interaction between the two is more relaxed.
In space, humans settle in communities ranging from lone hermitages to huge asteroid cities. These cities are usually the remains of a dwarven citadel or space dragon lair, but the humans tend to build up along the surface, in the manner of their groundling ancestors. The accessibility of the human civilizations to other races make these communal cities a center of activity for many races.
On a smaller scale than the asteroid cities, there are the human ships. These crews vary from place to place, but form the same sort of family and organization. Some crews are put together for a single voyage, while others operate over long periods of time, their crew members forming their own community.
Of the spaceborne humans who do have a particular allegiance, their lords are often more ideas and ideals than individuals such as political philosophies (Capitalism for instance) or religious orders. Even given the quickness of space travel, the idea of loyalty to some distant emperor or general quickly breaks down.
Orcs and Half Orcs
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Skinrug. Orc Fighter. |
Orcs usually use ships made by other races such as humans, but do have a number of their own vessels. These orc-made ships are very mechanical in design, and are all quite potent warships. Some notable orc-ship designs are the Mantis and Scorpion.
Orcs organize themselves into clan ships and asteroid enclaves that are pure pirate, but organized in a strict code of conduct known as the Black Code. This code is a set of laws and taboos that the orcs adhere to with religious zeal. And though violent and cruel, can be appealed to by non-orcs in negotiations.
Orc and Half-Orc Clerics can become disciples of the Black Code (picking from the Fire, Strength and War domains), and are walking encyclopedias of sailor superstition, taboos and variations on Black Codes. Such priests wear black coats and are called Provosts.
Half-Orcs: Spaceborn orcs are not quite as prone to rape as groundling orcs, but still manage to produce a great many half-breed children. Orc sailors are likely to have "wives" and favored prostitutes in many ports of call.
Orcs modify their starting ability scores as follows: Str +2, Int -1, Wis -1 and Cha -1. Orcs have darkvision to a range of 60 feet. Orcs are blinded in bright sunlight (see page 50 in the B&T PHB). They speak Orc, and might also learn Dwarf, Gnoll, Goblin and Ogre. Orcs can multi-class as cleric/fighters, fighter/ magic-users, fighter/leeches and fighter/thieves.
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