I will be teaching some teen art classes at the Rome Art & Community Center this spring. So if you are in the region, and have a teen looking to learn some illustrative techniques, stop on by!

This course explores the art of creating believable monsters, aliens and fantasy
races in illustrations. The course will explore aspects of animal and human
anatomy, as well as the use of historical clothing, weapons and tools in creating
a believable and eye-catching creature. This course requires some drawing
skill, and a sketchbook.
Begins: March 16, 2009— 6 weeks
Mondays, 6-8 pm
Instructor: Aaron Siddall
Tuition: General $60, RACC Members $50
Level: Ages 14-19
Myth and Folklore Illustration
Begins: March 14, 2009— 6 weeks
Saturdays, Noon—2 pm
Instructor: Aaron Siddall
Tuition: General $60, RACC Members $50
Level: Ages 14-19
This class will explore the art of illustrating characters and themes from folklore
and mythology. Several specific myths will be referenced, though additional
tales supplied by students will be welcome. Basic drawing skills will be required
of all students. Sketchbooks will be required of all students.
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